Collection: Hvid


Immerse yourself in the warm luxury of Hvid soft knitted goods.

From day one, Hvid have aimed to create long-lasting quality textiles, made in a small family factory in Belgium. Their timeless designs feel at home everywhere and ask to be touched. 

Their goal is to ethically create quality-made goods. Pure and kind.    

When the Danish speak of ‘hvid', they speak of the purest colour of all: white. A colour as fresh as snow and soft as milk. Every design you hold close has been first made in pure white. By doing so, we they able to create the finest subtleties in the pattern and find the perfect weight. The balanced result looks so elegant and feels so heartwarming you will want to keep it close forever.

Hvid sprung from the heart of Caroline Camerlynck. Before her knitted goods travel to your home she checks every detail. Creating designs that are sensitive and timeless, Camerlynck's search for warmth and softness has brought the designer to the creation of these delicate textiles, that comfort you in so many ways.

Why we love them...

Just like you, Hvid care about the small things in life and only want what’s best for our loved ones and nature. That’s why all your precious Hvid textiles are made in Belgium by craftsmen who take pride in creating something beautiful and sustainable. They create new patterns and tangible experiences in both gentle and bold colours for you to cherish.

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